Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 194 – Michael and Claudi Halsey


Committee Clerk,

Environment& Sustainability Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA


22nd. September,2011


Dear Sir,


My wife & I live at an isolated small-holding some 8 miles south of Newtown surrounded by beautiful hills & valleys; it is very peaceful here at present.

There are proposals for 2 new windfarms which, if they get planning consent WILL SURROUND US ON 3 SIDES-the sites will be some 500m.from our home .The remaining side will have pylons carrying the electricity (if the wind blows !)to a hub. We are very concerned for,inter alia ,the following reasons:-

  1. The peace of this place will be shattered for our time here by the lengthy construction period followed by20/25 years(?)of operation of these turbines with their intrusive noise pollution which we will be unable to escape.
  2. We could also suffer 'shadow flicker', from 400' turbines erected in front of the sun's rays over our property, for many months of the year.
  3. Our property is virtually 100% blighted with nobody who is responsible for this intrusion on our lives offering us a penny of compensation.
  4. The increased traffic will cause absolute chaos on the roads with these massive Abnormal Loads and 100,000's of HGV trips to and from local sites.
  5.  We are especially concerned about the response from the Fire, Ambulance and Police services – who in an emergency will undoubtedly be unable to reach our remote location timely.  Also the Wales Air Ambulance will be unable to operate in this area because of the the turbines and pylons.  What do we do?
  6. The desecration to our visual amenity and that of our neighbours and all who love this beautiful area will be evident to all for more than a generation.  This act of folly will not be forgotten easily.

 These turbines are less then 23% efficient on average and are costing the British  electricity consumer billions of pounds for a false ideology that purports that wind farms are 'green'.  They are not and there is substantive evidence available to prove this. You have the power to help stop this madness-please exercise your  power!.



Yours sincerely




Michael A. Halsey                  Claudi Halsey